Sunday, 2 March 2014

World Read Aloud Blogging Challenge Week 3: Snapshot of my reading life.

This picture is important to me for a number of reasons:

1) The picture at the top is of our library shelves. Looking at our library shelves makes me happy. I love seeing the books we have in the library.....I often scan the shelves and mentally check off in my head the number of books I've read. Check, check, check! Chapters has nothing on us! (@chaptersindigo at Square One did adopt our school and is the reason why our shelves are so full this year. We are eternally grateful!)

2. Our school is running the Forest of Reading program. We are trying to spread the word about our reading to the world and have begun our own Twitter campaign. Check out the #valleysforest hashtag to see what we've been up to! We want to give our all students a chance to access  the texts and participate so we're running a part of the program as a read aloud. Every two weeks, each class gets a new book, which their homeroom teacher reads aloud. We've invited three Forest of Reading authors to our school for World Read Aloud Day next week....will keep you posted!

3. I think this generally sums up my life in reading. "Happiness is a new book". No matter how bad of a day I've had, I can always lose myself in a book. Books just make me happy. Period.

4. This is a snapshot of what's on my ipad. This also a pile of books that lies beside my bed that I have yet to read. Books are stacked all over our house - my husband is always saying "NO MORE BOOKS" (never, ever go into a bookstore with me)  - bah, books are like black pants. You can never have too many!  I read what the students at my school read. And I really, really enjoy it! I don't know who gets more excited about new books coming out - our students or myself. And that is just pretty darn cool.